Poza Zilei din tenis

Roger Federer va rata Open-ul de la Paris din cauza unei accidentări la spate care nu îi dă pace de câteva săptămâni. Federer a participat la 65 de Turnee de Mare Șlem la rând.
Este pentru prima oară în acest secol când elveţianul nu este prezent la un turneu de top ca cel de la Paris.

Federer a scris pe contul lui de Facebook: “I regret to announce that I have made the decision not to play in this year's French Open. I have been making steady progress with my overall fitness, but I am still not 100 per cent and feel I might be taking an unnecessary risk by playing in this event before I am really ready. This decision was not easy to make, but I took it to ensure I could play the remainder of the season and help to extend the rest of my career.”
