În perioada 2009-2014, PokerStars din Italia a omis să declare profituri de aproximativ 300 de milioane de euro.
Pokerstars ar fi folosit filiale ascunse ale societății-mamă care au fost create în câteva paradisuri fiscale precum Malta sau Isle of Man cu scopul de a ocoli plătirea taxelor în perioada 2009-2014, acuze pe care cei aflați la conducerea site-ului de poker le neagă cu vehemență. Doar o parte din taxe au fost plătite.
Directorul general al Pokerstars pe Italia va fi pus sub acuzarea de evaziune fiscală.
Eric Hollreiser, seful PokerStars care se află sub anchetă, a declarat:
"PokerStars has been working with Italian tax authorities since they launched an audit several years ago. We have operated in compliance with the applicable local tax regulations and have paid €120 million in local taxes over the period covered by the audit. Like many other global e-commerce companies, we vigorously dispute the stance of the tax authority regarding local establishment. The audit is ongoing and we hope to resolve the issue in our favour soon. In the meantime, our operations continue as usual on www.pokerstars.it and we remain focused on delivering the most popular online poker service in the Italian market".
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